Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teen Mom

I don't normally blog about Teen Mom and I haven't really been keeping up with it like I do with my other shows, but I thought that I'd do a short blog just to express my opinions on this show.

The only person that I really like on this show is Maci. I think that she is the best mom on both Teen Mom shows. She truly understands what it's like to be a mother. She has balanced work, school, and parenting and still has time for a relationship. Unlike other teen moms on the show, she doesn't let her relationship affect her parenting skills or any other aspect of her life. She knows what she's doing and she is independent of her parents entirely, but still has them in her life. Not to mention Bentley is the cutest kid!!

Farrah is a spoiled brat. You can tell that she came from money because unlike any of the other moms, she has no concern about money or work. Her relationship with her mom is extremely weird. If she argues with her mom so much, I don't understand why she rents a house directly across the street from her. And her mom is ALWAYS there! It's insane. Farrah is a good mom, but I just don't think she has her head on right. Moving to Florida may be a good thing for Farrah to do, but it's not a good thing for her as a parent nor is it a good thing for her child. She can't take Sophia so far away from her only family. Also, she is going to have to start working to pay rent and pay for child care now that she will be so far away from her mom. I know she went through with the move, so maybe we will see more in a Teen Mom Season 3?

Amber is completely insane. Her and Gary's relationship reminds me of Ronnie and Sam from Jersey Shore. They're always getting back together and they're always fighting! Amber really isn't a good mom and Gary really isn't a good dad. I feel bad for Leah that she has to live through all of that craziness. Amber doesn't have her head on straight at all. Living for her is so cheap (her rent for her house is less than $700 a month!), yet she doesn't own a car to take herself to court dates or to drop her daughter off at her father's house. I understand that these girls get paid A LOT of money to be on this show, but they definitely don't show it.

Last, but certainly not least, is Catelynn. I don't even see her and Tyler as teen parents. I don't really even understand why they're on the show. To be honest, when I'm watching this show on DVR, I normally skip over their parts. To me, they are so much more immature than the other parents and they come off as so much younger than they really are. They have some serious growing up to do. They should probably get rid of their baby faces while they're at it! haha!

I like Teen Mom 2 a lot better. I LOVE the drama that goes on legitimately every single week with Janelle, Kieffa, and Barb. I don't really care for Kailynn but she has her fair share of drama too. I love Chelsea and Aubree, even though Chelsea is a spoiled brat like Farrah. I like Leah too and I feel so bad for her with what she's going through with her daughter's medical problems. Hopefully that will come back on the air soon!

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