Sunday, September 18, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey

I have been waiting for this episode for so long and it is finally here! There are so many rumors out there about the trip to Punta Cana and I'm excited to finally see it on camera and see what really happened. (FYI - I'm referring to the rumors about the fight on the beach between Kathy and Teresa, and the fight at the bar which results in more legal woes for Joe and Teresa as well as Albie Chris and Greg, I believe.) I'm writing this blog as I watch the show, so these are my immediate thoughts on the show!

Seeing the Jersey crew in a new setting is always so funny. You can tell that they don't belong - it's like watching a fish out of water. You can see that everyone is going on this trip to have fun and has good intentions. However, once you're with the same people for five days, you get sick of them. One wrong breath will set you off sometimes! We'll see how the drama folds out...

I wonder if they all know that they should be saying that they lost "one suitcase" NOT "one luggage." Maybe it's another one of those Jersey-isms. At least its not just Teresa this time! I'm SO GLAD that Teresa finally admitted that she has done things to hurt her brother, sister-in-law, and cousin too. FINALLY it came and I can consider her my favorite again without having any remorse! Teresa is always so funny too. I can't help laughing whatever scene she's in!

The Gorgas have two things on their mind: sex and hats. They're either talking about one or wearing the other! Sometimes their sex talks are nasty. Who wants to hear about that? They never disappoint with the hats either. Winter in Jersey = robbers hat. Summer in Punta Cana = bandanas. Too funny!

Punta Cana looks so gorgeous. If it weren't so expensive, I'd be there for spring break. The sky and sunset is to DIE for!! Teresa definitely wins the competition over the nicest bathing suit. She rocked it with the gold and the heels. Melissa had flip flops and a one piece on! haha!

Aaaand here it is.. the scene that we've all been waiting for! Oh, the suspense.. We see everyone in the same outfits that we saw in the preview, the same seats, everything! Teresa does seem to think that everything is about her. She must have a problem processing things. Kathy means well in the things that she says. Teresa takes things and interprets them and responds accordingly. I don't blame her for the way she responds because it's based on what she interpreted from the conversation. The same thing happened at the Posche fashion show. Teresa misunderstood Kathy. You can see Kathy's frustration when Teresa doesn't understand where she's coming from or what she's trying to say. I'm glad that Joe Giudice decided to be the bigger person this time and put an end to the drama. I think what Greg said about Joe and Teresa using "third grade words" was very rude and uncalled for. Greg always says that he isn't on anyone's team, but he definitely doesn't act that way. He is in NO position to be saying things about people like that. You also have to wonder how much everyone had to drink before this show. Greg Bennett tweeted "Omg we're all so drunk." So, you can't really take what everyone is saying very seriously. Then again, drunken words are sober thoughts...

We see the preview of next week. It's a semi cliffhanger and of course we can't see what exactly is going on. Hopefully the online previews will be a bit clearer. Melissa looks like a crazy person when she is performing. Can't wait for that! Watch out for pictures from Fashion Night Out! I'm waiting to get my Macbook back to post them - this PC is too slow! Until then...

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