Monday, September 5, 2011

KUWTK Finale!

I know this aired as a two part finale, but I'm just blogging about it once...

How funny were Kendall and Kylie stealing Rob's beers and pretending that they were drinking them? Everyone seemed to be picking on Rob this episode! I love the sibling bond that all of them have. They laugh crazy big, they fight crazy big, and they make up crazy big (anyone catch the Caroline Manzo reference?). Rob was so disrespectful to Kim. I would never cross that line with my sister and disrespect her like that in front of her boyfriend. I don't know why Rob is so upset that he doesn't have a job. It seems to me like he hasn't really done much to get himself a job. He says that he is jealous of the life that his sisters have made for themselves. I'm sure that if he got off his a** and tried to do the same thing, he could be just as successful as his sisters, if not more. He has the Kardashian name, the biggest name in Hollywood right now. I just don't see why he doesn't get himself a job!

Everyone is so mean to Scott, and I sort of understand why. I see his efforts to move forward from his past and make everything better, but like Kris J said, he takes four steps forward and twelve steps back. He really should have listened to her when she suggested that he go to a rehab facility to deal with his problem. At this point, I think that it is the only thing that can help him. (Speaking of Kris J, as I mentioned in my last blog, I am so tired of hearing her cry! That is all.) I don't get why Kourtney keeps going back to Scott. So many people these days are dealing with single parenthood and

I really like Kim and Kris together. They are really cute together. I can't wait for their wedding episode! Also, how cute is Bruce with Mason? He is so good with kids and you can see that he really loves spending time with Mason. He's also so funny! I love how excited he got when Kris came to him and asked him if he could marry Kim. So funny! He's in the running for my favorite Kardashian.

Aaaaaand there goes Kris Jenner, the control freak. First comes the tears. Then she wants to help him plan the most romantic moment of HIS and KIM'S life. Kris Jenner doesn't come into the picture. At all. "When are you going to ask her to marry us?" REALLY?! She is possibly the most controlling person I have ever seen. Then, she comes out with a line like "Operation Pumpkin." So funny. Mouse? Carriage? I can't!

Kim spends money like it's water. I personally cannot wait for the day that it catches up with her and she goes bankrupt a la Teresa Giudice. Her comment towards Kris about his apartment in New York was disgusting. She isn't in touch with reality - at all. I would rather live in a low rent house and have 10 million dollars in the bank than have a 10 million dollar house and no money in the bank. It's not worth it!

I thought it was really cute that Kris was getting cold feet. I would be too after that fight/reality check with Kim! It was also really cute that Kris went to his sister for advice on what he should do. She knew what was best for him, so he decided to go along with it. I think that the way that Kris ACTUALLY proposed was so much more romantic than the way that he had planned to. If there's anything I hate more than Danielle Staub, it's cliffhangers on reality television. SO annoying! We hear the clanking of Kim's heels coming up the stairs, then just as Kim is about to open the door - commercial!

Everyone's reaction to her engagement was so funny. The Kardashians never fail to miss an opportunity to make money! Remember the week after they got engaged and all of these pictures were posted in a magazine? Haha! The season finale of KUWTK is never that exciting. There's always something more (more money for them!). This was a really great season, though, and I'm so excited for the wedding special! Now, I'm off to watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Housewives are my personal specialty, so this promises to be a good blog)!

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