Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jersey Shore

I really missed watching Jersey Shore! Tonight I watched both this week and last weeks episode, so I thought I would blog about both of them. I still have pictures coming from Fashion Night Out when I met Ramona, Kelly and Luann from Real Housewives of New York City, so watch out for those too!

I am SO over the Ronnie and Sam drama. I've lost count of how many fights they've had or caused. Why does Ronnie give her roses without saying anything to Sam? Then he gets mad when she wonders if the roses are for her? Those two are crazy. Then he goes up to her and tells her he loves her, no matter what. Did he love her when he was cheating on her, looking for another girl to take home, paying for another girl to come to Italy, or arguing with her? I don't know why Sam keeps going back to him and keeps trusting him. He's "done her dirty" so many times that she should be used to it! We've seen so many Ron and Sam apology scenes that I don't even feel the need to comment on this one.

Looking at Mike with his neckbrace on just makes me laugh. The fight was so anticlimatic. Mike essentially threw himself into the wall. Ronnie did nothing. I don't really like Mike - he causes too much drama. When Snooki gave him the chance to apologize, he still ruined it by trying to cause drama. He is so pathetic!

Snooki always makes me laugh. It was so funny when she walked past the church and flipped out because the priest asked her to cover up. You can tell that she really likes Jionni, but he is really mean to her! He can't try and change her or expect her to be someone different just because he doesn't like it. I felt so bad for her when Jionni was yelling at her over the phone and she was telling him how much he loves and misses her. If I were her, I'd either tell him that she's not changing or kick him to the curb. She must really love him though because she is so quick to defend him even after he treats her like that. Things must really have turned around for them, or at least I hope so. I know that they are still together today.

Pauly and Vinny dressing up and dancing like guidos was hysterical. I've never seen anyone like that, but maybe it's popular down at the Jersey Shore? Who knows! Apparently they were dressed like every girl that Jenni has ever dated. I also loved how close Deena and Snooki were when they were fighting that girl in the club. Snooki didn't even know what happened but she went right to fight the girl. They have a tight bond! Deena was so funny when she kicked out the boy that she called over to hook up with! It was a little weird that he had a "bite" on his neck, but I didnt think she was going to kick him out! haha!

I absolutely love when Snooki and Deena get drunk together. They are a hilarious duo. Who cares if they wanted to have a little lesbian action? They were having fun and loved every minute of it. Does anyone else notice that Snooki likes to sleep until like 5PM?! She must party hard! I love when Deena says that she "does sex." Example: "Usually when I do sex, I remember that I did sex... I dont know..." She makes no sense when she talks and I love it! Lastly, the car accident. The moment that I have been waiting for all season. I have to say it wasn't all that it cracked up to be. It was really funny, but when I saw Snooki crying I felt bad! Of course they left us on a cliffhanger, so more to come next week....

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