Saturday, October 1, 2011

RHONJ Drama Update - Once Again

As always, theres more drama in New Jersey. Last night, Melissa posted a blog on her website. Don't waste your time reading it! I can sum it up in three sentences:

I was not a stripper and New Jersey State Law does not allow stripping in a place where alcohol is served. I was a bartender who wore a sexy outfit. I only worked there for a few weeks until I met Joe. I cannot confirm any more because we are currently filming season 4.

Just this morning, Jacqueline went on yet ANOTHER tweeting rampage and started tweeting pictures of her text message conversation with Teresa. WOW. Though she only included what Jacqueline had typed to Teresa, that is still VERY low, especially for someone who is preaching "positivity" and "rising above the drama." You can read a slideshow of the images here...!/JacLaurita/media/slideshow?

Jacqueline wanted to clear up the rumor out there that Jacqueline was the one that had released the pictures of Joe Giudice out with another girl to the press. Just to be clear, Teresa never said that Jacqueline was the one that had released the pictures, though it was referenced in Huffington Post's story about the NJ drama. She also tweeted an image of what seems like an email, saying that Teresa knew about the "stripping" rumor long before the Posche Fashion Show was taped. Teresa allegedly told Jacqueline that she wanted to "out her" then. Jacqueline even went on to say that Teresa has done things to her personally. See image below:

Jacqueline also tweeted this:

Teresa put out an article that I text her and threatened to release those pictures and I didn’t! I wanted to prove that. Teresa is scum! What until u hear the rest.There is much more but I’m letting it all unravel little by little all on it’s own.No more talk about it! Ok,so I’m losing it.This is what all this negativity I’m surrounded w/does 2me.I’m taking deepbreaths&gettingcontrolofmyself

JACQUELINE, YOU ARE LOSING IT! Why are you going on these tweeting sprees, then trying to preach positivity. Are you Danielle Staub now? This is just getting WEIRD.

There have also been stories out there from the managers of the bar that Melissa worked at (as a bartender) confirming that Melissa was never a stripper. Enough already, we know you weren't a stripper. Tell us what happened at the fashion show!

Bravo has released a statement about the drama. They said that they had put out a call to all the Housewives saying that they MUST attend the Posche Fashion show as it was going to be the finale for season 4. They also said this:

A Bravo spokesperson strictly denies that producers had any involvement with orchestrating the encounter: “Bravo was not involved in any set up. Ours cameras document the lives of these ladies."

I personally think it is so sad to see what is going down in NJ. I like to see that Caroline and Kathy are rising above the drama and staying OUT. Shows that they are the mature ones of the group. Teresa also isn't really getting involved in the Twitter feud. She announced the release of her THIRD cookbook yesterday. It's called "Fabulicious - Fast and Fit" and its due out in Spring 2012. I think Teresa is really trying to focus on making money outside of the Housewives a la Bethenny Frankel. However, the stories that are surfacing are pointing more and more towards her starting this drama, which makes me sad. Still, most of the stories are coming from Team Gorga/Laurita in this feud, so you never know. Melissa is mainly trying to deal with the stripper rumors and her husband is dealing with the bashing Teresa via Twitter. Like I said, I'm really shocked to see Jacqueline going on these tweeting sprees. Fame does wonders to people.

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