Monday, October 24, 2011

Reunion Part Two...

The second part of the reunion really was no different from the first. It still made me sick and made me want to jump through the television screen and slap the facial expressions right off of Caroline Manzo. My comments from the Reunion Part 1 still hold the same. I just wanted to comment on a couple of things brought up in Part 2...

1. Did Melissa really bring a LIST of things that Teresa said about her to the reunion? I'm sure that if I really wanted to, I could make a list of things she's said about Teresa. The list was a bit much. So much for wanting to move on! You can see Melissa is really caught up on the past.

2. Teresa-isms of the night: un-ducated and distant. She is too funny!

3. Caroline really hit below the belt when she insulted Gia by saying that the song was disgusting and it was a disgrace. I thought it was sweet. Not only did Caroline hit below the belt with Teresa's kids, she also insulted her own kid! She said that she can't tell Lauren that she is pretty if she has to lose weight. That was harsh! Lauren claimed on Twitter that it was edited and what she actually said wasn't as harsh. In the words of Kyle Richards, editing will not put words in your mouth or put sentences together.

4. Caroline once again made herself look terrible with the way that she treated Teresa. Teresa even told her, "Practice what you preach." She is in no place to be judging Teresa and her family situation. When you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones. In the words of a Facebook friend of mine, Caroline was throwing those BROWNSTONES. Haha!

5. Caroline v. Dina v. Teresa. I do not believe for one second that Dina would stop talking to Caroline based on something that Teresa told her. Dina posted a blog on her website explaining her side of the story. She didn't reveal anything about her feud with Caroline, but from what she wrote, it is evident that there was a fight between her and Caroline and possibly Jacqueline. Jacqueline claims that her and Dina spoke the other day and they were fine.

We have to keep in mind that watching an hour a week, keeping up with the lives of the Housewives on Twitter, and attempting to dig up dirt about them online and writing blogs with biased sources about the Housewives does not make us an expert on their lives. In fact, it doesn't even tell us ANYTHING about their lives. We might be able to figure out what kind of person they are, but there is so much behind the scenes.. We can't judge. Perfect example: On RHONY, I hated Kelly and Luann and loved Ramona. When I met them in person, Ramona was nasty, Luann was somewhat nice and surprisingly Kelly was the nicest. We can't tell who they are based on what we see on TV.

I guess that's it for the season.. Bring on the Real Bitches of Atlanta!! Ha!

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