Friday, November 18, 2011

My First Interview and RHONY Update!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing my very first interview! I interviewed Fran Drescher - sitcom star, "The Nanny", producer, writer, cancer survivor, political activist, philanthropist extraordinaire. I went to Dylan's Candy Bar in the city for a launch party for Fran's newest book, a children's book entitled "Being Wendy." The interview went really well and she was so nice. The event was a lot of fun. I'll be posting the interview on the blog that I intern for, While I'm at it, I'll tell you guys to "like" us on Facebook ( and to follow us on Twitter (@CelebsInUrCity) for all the celebrity and entertainment news updates!

Anyway, at the event I was greeted by a representative from Bravo who needed me to sign a waiver. They told me that they were filming the Real Housewives of New York City. They wouldn't give me any more details, but I figured it out very quickly. Aviva Drescher, a blonde and beautiful bombshell, is the newest NY Housewife and happens to be related to Fran Drescher (by marriage). I talked to Aviva for a few minutes and she was so nice. She has a beautiful family and her kids are adorable! Aviva told me that she couldn't confirm anything Housewives related and all she said was that she was "being considered" for the next season. After looking up Aviva online, I found out that her husband is a very successful Wall Street banker and worth a reported $80 million. Above is a picture of Aviva with her son, who is now 4/5 years old. If she really is cast for the next season, she should be very fun to watch! Can't wait!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Perez Hilton Kicked Out Of Kim Zolciak's Wedding?

Kim Zolciak married her beau Kroy Biermann yesterday in Atlanta (11/11/11) in a reportedly over the top, lavish wedding with what Patti Stanger and many others have called "the best vows by any groom ever." We all know Kim loves to do it big, and I'm sure her (second?) wedding was no exception.

As I previously wrote when Kim got engaged, Kim sent out a disclaimer to all those who were invited that they would not be allowed to bring in cell phones or cameras to the wedding because the wedding was to be taped for Kim's new spinoff show. Reports are now flying that celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton, was KICKED OUT of the wedding after being caught tweeting and taking pictures! Finally, someone takes that man off of his high horse!

Reports are also flying that Nene and Cynthia were NOT invited to the wedding. Nene is understandable, but why Cynthia? Maybe there is some drama between Cynthia and Kim that we will see in Season 4? Kim's wedding, like the rest of her life, will be FULL of drama and I cant wait to watch it on her new show! Congrats Kim and Kroy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

RHOA Premiere!

Last night was the Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 4 Premiere, and I must say the ladies did not fail to disappoint. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I love every city of the Housewives franchise for different reasons. One of the reasons I like the Atlanta ladies so much is because of all of the great quotes they give me. I've decided for this blog post to include some of my favorites from last night

-"Kandi is on CP time. What we like to call colored people time."
-"May God keep you. And to the sinners may God save you. In Jesus' name, Amen."

-"I wrote a check and bought that car cash money. Bye hatas! Cha ching!"

-"While you was over there runnin' your mouth with him, I was runnin' to the bank, honey.. depositing a TRUMP check. DONALD TRUMP. I am rich. I don't need anything from you. You are the one losing houses and cars, sweetheart. I don't need to take money from anyone, honey. I am VERY rich, bitch. VERY rich!"
-"If you so rich, why don't you get them motha-f***in teeth fixed!"
-"They are done. Done. Veneers honey. $50,000 smile here, BAM! $50,000. And you are jealous about it. I could buy you a house and a car."

Monday, October 31, 2011

I Hate Kim Kardashian

Was anyone surprised that KIm Kardashian's wedding lasted this long? I saw a divorce coming since day one.

TMZ was the first to report that Kim Kardashian was to file for divorce this morning, citing "irreconcilable differences." Not long after, this news was confirmed by Ryan Seacrest, Giuliana Rancic and E! News. E! News will publish a statement from Kim very soon. Can't wait *sarcastic voice*

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married for 72 days. Their wedding cost an approximate $10 million. That's over $130,000 for each day that they were married. They made $17.9 million dollars of of their wedding. If I were a guest at the wedding and bought one of those ridiculously expensive wedding gifts, I would be pissed right now. I'd probably demand to have the gift back. Let's be honest, they probably didn't even open it.

The thing that bothers me about Kim is that she has made millions over the past couple years of fame and has yet to donate ANY of her own money - from her OWN pocket - to any kind of charity. I know this because if she did, it would be on the cover of every magazine and newspaper known to man.

Kim plays the charity card by doing auctions for charity in which people buy something (for example, an invite to her birthday party for $5k) and an undisclosed portion is donated to a charity. Or she gives her endorsement for a charity (which I'm sure she gets something of value out of it). Or even worse, she releases a terrible song which barely sells any copies and donates some of the proceeds to charity. Anyone see a pattern here? Kim doesn't donate ANYTHING. She takes other people's money and puts her name on it. She takes the money that she makes and buys earrings worth $75,000.

Kim Kardashian is the epitome of selfishness, greed, and a fame whore. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole marriage was a scam. I believe it 100%.

Sorry if I'm ranting a bit here, but Kim gets me so mad. Don't even get me started on the rest of her family. I could go on for DAYS about Kris Jenner. Sorry Kim, I don't feel bad for you. I hope the media tears you to shreds and exposes you for the selfish bitch that you really are.

Anyone else boycotting Kourtney and Kim Take New York with me? Anyone?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reunion Part Two...

The second part of the reunion really was no different from the first. It still made me sick and made me want to jump through the television screen and slap the facial expressions right off of Caroline Manzo. My comments from the Reunion Part 1 still hold the same. I just wanted to comment on a couple of things brought up in Part 2...

1. Did Melissa really bring a LIST of things that Teresa said about her to the reunion? I'm sure that if I really wanted to, I could make a list of things she's said about Teresa. The list was a bit much. So much for wanting to move on! You can see Melissa is really caught up on the past.

2. Teresa-isms of the night: un-ducated and distant. She is too funny!

3. Caroline really hit below the belt when she insulted Gia by saying that the song was disgusting and it was a disgrace. I thought it was sweet. Not only did Caroline hit below the belt with Teresa's kids, she also insulted her own kid! She said that she can't tell Lauren that she is pretty if she has to lose weight. That was harsh! Lauren claimed on Twitter that it was edited and what she actually said wasn't as harsh. In the words of Kyle Richards, editing will not put words in your mouth or put sentences together.

4. Caroline once again made herself look terrible with the way that she treated Teresa. Teresa even told her, "Practice what you preach." She is in no place to be judging Teresa and her family situation. When you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones. In the words of a Facebook friend of mine, Caroline was throwing those BROWNSTONES. Haha!

5. Caroline v. Dina v. Teresa. I do not believe for one second that Dina would stop talking to Caroline based on something that Teresa told her. Dina posted a blog on her website explaining her side of the story. She didn't reveal anything about her feud with Caroline, but from what she wrote, it is evident that there was a fight between her and Caroline and possibly Jacqueline. Jacqueline claims that her and Dina spoke the other day and they were fine.

We have to keep in mind that watching an hour a week, keeping up with the lives of the Housewives on Twitter, and attempting to dig up dirt about them online and writing blogs with biased sources about the Housewives does not make us an expert on their lives. In fact, it doesn't even tell us ANYTHING about their lives. We might be able to figure out what kind of person they are, but there is so much behind the scenes.. We can't judge. Perfect example: On RHONY, I hated Kelly and Luann and loved Ramona. When I met them in person, Ramona was nasty, Luann was somewhat nice and surprisingly Kelly was the nicest. We can't tell who they are based on what we see on TV.

I guess that's it for the season.. Bring on the Real Bitches of Atlanta!! Ha!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reunion Part One

My idea to live tweet/blog the first part of the reunion failed. There were too many thoughts going through my head. I instead decided I'm going to group my comments based on each character. I'll keep it short, I promise!

I honestly don't think that I can combine my comments for this episode into one blog. These women are all pretty disgusting if you ask me. Kathy is passive agressive. Melissa is fake. Caroline has this holier than thou attitude that she can't get over. Teresa is too unintelligent to even remember what she said. Jacqueline is giving mixed signals, as if she is going crazy a la Kelly Bensimon.

I'll give four comments on this reunion, and that's it!

1) I was disgusted with Caroline's attitude on this episode. What is this holier than thou attitude that she seems to have? I honestly think that she needs someone to control to fulfill this motherly figure that she has. In Season 1 and 2, she thought that she could control Teresa. When she found out she couldn't, she jumped ship because she saw that she could control Melissa. And she shows it in this episode. What are those faces she makes? And why does she think that she can answer on other people's behalf? Like Teresa said, "Who cares what Caroline thinks?" I never thought that Caroline would change like this.

2) I honestly think that we cannot blame Teresa's actions on her personality. I think she does care about her family and wants the best for her family. But I really do think that her intelligence gets in the way. She doesn't really make sense when she talks! I still like her because she is opinionated and truly doesn't allow anyone to alter her opinion or change her mind. Caroline and Jacqueline say that they have these same qualities, but we see that this isn't true. Teresa needs time to think about thinks before she forms a cohesive answer and I think that some people take this as her being a bad person.

3) I believe Teresa when she says that she is hurt by Kathy and Melissa's motives to get on the show. Sure, maybe Melissa wanted to promote her song or maybe Kathy wanted to get into the dessert business, but they could have done that on their own or Bravo could have found other housewives that would have done the same thing. The thing that brought Melissa and Kathy to the NJ Housewives was the promise that they could stir up the drama with Teresa. At the time, Melissa and Teresa supposedly were not talking, and I'm sure Bravo caught on (Danielle did, at least!) and wanted to cast them on the show to stir up the drama. I think they bit a little bit more than they can chew with this one. Too much drama on this season. It's become disgusting and pathetic.

4) Lastly, I want to talk about Jacqueline. She wasn't at the reunion, but she sure was present on Twitter. She really showed her true colors tonight. Is she going crazy like Kelly Bensimon? She has tweeted at least four times that she is above the drama and preaches positivity and doesn't want the negativity that the show brings. I think that she should practice what she preaches and STOP tweeting. If she wasn't emotionally stable enough to attend the reunion, then she shouldn't be emotionally stable enough to tweet about it. It doesn't make sense to me!

So many thoughts on this reunion and I just don't think that these comments are worth my time or space on my blog. I'll do the same thing next week, and then that's it for RHONJ for this season. Sorry if I'm disappointing anyone, lol. Leave comments if you want, follow me on Twitter (@tylmills) and add me on Facebook (

RHONJ Reunion - It's Almost Here!

I cannot contain my excitement for tonight's reunion. I think for my blog for the reunion I will post my raw thoughts as the show airs (kind of like live tweeting) then post it immediately after.

The previews of the reunion are amazing! The crew really gangs up on Teresa, but she doesn't back down at all. If she's thrown something, she throws it right back. You can tell that tensions were high tonight. You can view some of the reunion previews here.

Some tweets from the cast:

@JacLaurita: Saw the reunion show part 1! WOW!!! Wear your sunglasses because colors are very bright!!!

@Laurenmanzo: The reunion was CRAZY... in more ways than 1

@melissagorga: Reunion tonight... I'm nervous... It was tense... I'll be tweeting tonight...

@Teresa_giudice: Not gonna lie, I'm sick nervous about tomorrow's reunion show. I haven't seen it. I lived it and it was not pretty...

It looks like we're in for a good night! Four more hours!!!