Friday, November 18, 2011

My First Interview and RHONY Update!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing my very first interview! I interviewed Fran Drescher - sitcom star, "The Nanny", producer, writer, cancer survivor, political activist, philanthropist extraordinaire. I went to Dylan's Candy Bar in the city for a launch party for Fran's newest book, a children's book entitled "Being Wendy." The interview went really well and she was so nice. The event was a lot of fun. I'll be posting the interview on the blog that I intern for, While I'm at it, I'll tell you guys to "like" us on Facebook ( and to follow us on Twitter (@CelebsInUrCity) for all the celebrity and entertainment news updates!

Anyway, at the event I was greeted by a representative from Bravo who needed me to sign a waiver. They told me that they were filming the Real Housewives of New York City. They wouldn't give me any more details, but I figured it out very quickly. Aviva Drescher, a blonde and beautiful bombshell, is the newest NY Housewife and happens to be related to Fran Drescher (by marriage). I talked to Aviva for a few minutes and she was so nice. She has a beautiful family and her kids are adorable! Aviva told me that she couldn't confirm anything Housewives related and all she said was that she was "being considered" for the next season. After looking up Aviva online, I found out that her husband is a very successful Wall Street banker and worth a reported $80 million. Above is a picture of Aviva with her son, who is now 4/5 years old. If she really is cast for the next season, she should be very fun to watch! Can't wait!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Perez Hilton Kicked Out Of Kim Zolciak's Wedding?

Kim Zolciak married her beau Kroy Biermann yesterday in Atlanta (11/11/11) in a reportedly over the top, lavish wedding with what Patti Stanger and many others have called "the best vows by any groom ever." We all know Kim loves to do it big, and I'm sure her (second?) wedding was no exception.

As I previously wrote when Kim got engaged, Kim sent out a disclaimer to all those who were invited that they would not be allowed to bring in cell phones or cameras to the wedding because the wedding was to be taped for Kim's new spinoff show. Reports are now flying that celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton, was KICKED OUT of the wedding after being caught tweeting and taking pictures! Finally, someone takes that man off of his high horse!

Reports are also flying that Nene and Cynthia were NOT invited to the wedding. Nene is understandable, but why Cynthia? Maybe there is some drama between Cynthia and Kim that we will see in Season 4? Kim's wedding, like the rest of her life, will be FULL of drama and I cant wait to watch it on her new show! Congrats Kim and Kroy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

RHOA Premiere!

Last night was the Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 4 Premiere, and I must say the ladies did not fail to disappoint. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I love every city of the Housewives franchise for different reasons. One of the reasons I like the Atlanta ladies so much is because of all of the great quotes they give me. I've decided for this blog post to include some of my favorites from last night

-"Kandi is on CP time. What we like to call colored people time."
-"May God keep you. And to the sinners may God save you. In Jesus' name, Amen."

-"I wrote a check and bought that car cash money. Bye hatas! Cha ching!"

-"While you was over there runnin' your mouth with him, I was runnin' to the bank, honey.. depositing a TRUMP check. DONALD TRUMP. I am rich. I don't need anything from you. You are the one losing houses and cars, sweetheart. I don't need to take money from anyone, honey. I am VERY rich, bitch. VERY rich!"
-"If you so rich, why don't you get them motha-f***in teeth fixed!"
-"They are done. Done. Veneers honey. $50,000 smile here, BAM! $50,000. And you are jealous about it. I could buy you a house and a car."

Monday, October 31, 2011

I Hate Kim Kardashian

Was anyone surprised that KIm Kardashian's wedding lasted this long? I saw a divorce coming since day one.

TMZ was the first to report that Kim Kardashian was to file for divorce this morning, citing "irreconcilable differences." Not long after, this news was confirmed by Ryan Seacrest, Giuliana Rancic and E! News. E! News will publish a statement from Kim very soon. Can't wait *sarcastic voice*

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married for 72 days. Their wedding cost an approximate $10 million. That's over $130,000 for each day that they were married. They made $17.9 million dollars of of their wedding. If I were a guest at the wedding and bought one of those ridiculously expensive wedding gifts, I would be pissed right now. I'd probably demand to have the gift back. Let's be honest, they probably didn't even open it.

The thing that bothers me about Kim is that she has made millions over the past couple years of fame and has yet to donate ANY of her own money - from her OWN pocket - to any kind of charity. I know this because if she did, it would be on the cover of every magazine and newspaper known to man.

Kim plays the charity card by doing auctions for charity in which people buy something (for example, an invite to her birthday party for $5k) and an undisclosed portion is donated to a charity. Or she gives her endorsement for a charity (which I'm sure she gets something of value out of it). Or even worse, she releases a terrible song which barely sells any copies and donates some of the proceeds to charity. Anyone see a pattern here? Kim doesn't donate ANYTHING. She takes other people's money and puts her name on it. She takes the money that she makes and buys earrings worth $75,000.

Kim Kardashian is the epitome of selfishness, greed, and a fame whore. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole marriage was a scam. I believe it 100%.

Sorry if I'm ranting a bit here, but Kim gets me so mad. Don't even get me started on the rest of her family. I could go on for DAYS about Kris Jenner. Sorry Kim, I don't feel bad for you. I hope the media tears you to shreds and exposes you for the selfish bitch that you really are.

Anyone else boycotting Kourtney and Kim Take New York with me? Anyone?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reunion Part Two...

The second part of the reunion really was no different from the first. It still made me sick and made me want to jump through the television screen and slap the facial expressions right off of Caroline Manzo. My comments from the Reunion Part 1 still hold the same. I just wanted to comment on a couple of things brought up in Part 2...

1. Did Melissa really bring a LIST of things that Teresa said about her to the reunion? I'm sure that if I really wanted to, I could make a list of things she's said about Teresa. The list was a bit much. So much for wanting to move on! You can see Melissa is really caught up on the past.

2. Teresa-isms of the night: un-ducated and distant. She is too funny!

3. Caroline really hit below the belt when she insulted Gia by saying that the song was disgusting and it was a disgrace. I thought it was sweet. Not only did Caroline hit below the belt with Teresa's kids, she also insulted her own kid! She said that she can't tell Lauren that she is pretty if she has to lose weight. That was harsh! Lauren claimed on Twitter that it was edited and what she actually said wasn't as harsh. In the words of Kyle Richards, editing will not put words in your mouth or put sentences together.

4. Caroline once again made herself look terrible with the way that she treated Teresa. Teresa even told her, "Practice what you preach." She is in no place to be judging Teresa and her family situation. When you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones. In the words of a Facebook friend of mine, Caroline was throwing those BROWNSTONES. Haha!

5. Caroline v. Dina v. Teresa. I do not believe for one second that Dina would stop talking to Caroline based on something that Teresa told her. Dina posted a blog on her website explaining her side of the story. She didn't reveal anything about her feud with Caroline, but from what she wrote, it is evident that there was a fight between her and Caroline and possibly Jacqueline. Jacqueline claims that her and Dina spoke the other day and they were fine.

We have to keep in mind that watching an hour a week, keeping up with the lives of the Housewives on Twitter, and attempting to dig up dirt about them online and writing blogs with biased sources about the Housewives does not make us an expert on their lives. In fact, it doesn't even tell us ANYTHING about their lives. We might be able to figure out what kind of person they are, but there is so much behind the scenes.. We can't judge. Perfect example: On RHONY, I hated Kelly and Luann and loved Ramona. When I met them in person, Ramona was nasty, Luann was somewhat nice and surprisingly Kelly was the nicest. We can't tell who they are based on what we see on TV.

I guess that's it for the season.. Bring on the Real Bitches of Atlanta!! Ha!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reunion Part One

My idea to live tweet/blog the first part of the reunion failed. There were too many thoughts going through my head. I instead decided I'm going to group my comments based on each character. I'll keep it short, I promise!

I honestly don't think that I can combine my comments for this episode into one blog. These women are all pretty disgusting if you ask me. Kathy is passive agressive. Melissa is fake. Caroline has this holier than thou attitude that she can't get over. Teresa is too unintelligent to even remember what she said. Jacqueline is giving mixed signals, as if she is going crazy a la Kelly Bensimon.

I'll give four comments on this reunion, and that's it!

1) I was disgusted with Caroline's attitude on this episode. What is this holier than thou attitude that she seems to have? I honestly think that she needs someone to control to fulfill this motherly figure that she has. In Season 1 and 2, she thought that she could control Teresa. When she found out she couldn't, she jumped ship because she saw that she could control Melissa. And she shows it in this episode. What are those faces she makes? And why does she think that she can answer on other people's behalf? Like Teresa said, "Who cares what Caroline thinks?" I never thought that Caroline would change like this.

2) I honestly think that we cannot blame Teresa's actions on her personality. I think she does care about her family and wants the best for her family. But I really do think that her intelligence gets in the way. She doesn't really make sense when she talks! I still like her because she is opinionated and truly doesn't allow anyone to alter her opinion or change her mind. Caroline and Jacqueline say that they have these same qualities, but we see that this isn't true. Teresa needs time to think about thinks before she forms a cohesive answer and I think that some people take this as her being a bad person.

3) I believe Teresa when she says that she is hurt by Kathy and Melissa's motives to get on the show. Sure, maybe Melissa wanted to promote her song or maybe Kathy wanted to get into the dessert business, but they could have done that on their own or Bravo could have found other housewives that would have done the same thing. The thing that brought Melissa and Kathy to the NJ Housewives was the promise that they could stir up the drama with Teresa. At the time, Melissa and Teresa supposedly were not talking, and I'm sure Bravo caught on (Danielle did, at least!) and wanted to cast them on the show to stir up the drama. I think they bit a little bit more than they can chew with this one. Too much drama on this season. It's become disgusting and pathetic.

4) Lastly, I want to talk about Jacqueline. She wasn't at the reunion, but she sure was present on Twitter. She really showed her true colors tonight. Is she going crazy like Kelly Bensimon? She has tweeted at least four times that she is above the drama and preaches positivity and doesn't want the negativity that the show brings. I think that she should practice what she preaches and STOP tweeting. If she wasn't emotionally stable enough to attend the reunion, then she shouldn't be emotionally stable enough to tweet about it. It doesn't make sense to me!

So many thoughts on this reunion and I just don't think that these comments are worth my time or space on my blog. I'll do the same thing next week, and then that's it for RHONJ for this season. Sorry if I'm disappointing anyone, lol. Leave comments if you want, follow me on Twitter (@tylmills) and add me on Facebook (

RHONJ Reunion - It's Almost Here!

I cannot contain my excitement for tonight's reunion. I think for my blog for the reunion I will post my raw thoughts as the show airs (kind of like live tweeting) then post it immediately after.

The previews of the reunion are amazing! The crew really gangs up on Teresa, but she doesn't back down at all. If she's thrown something, she throws it right back. You can tell that tensions were high tonight. You can view some of the reunion previews here.

Some tweets from the cast:

@JacLaurita: Saw the reunion show part 1! WOW!!! Wear your sunglasses because colors are very bright!!!

@Laurenmanzo: The reunion was CRAZY... in more ways than 1

@melissagorga: Reunion tonight... I'm nervous... It was tense... I'll be tweeting tonight...

@Teresa_giudice: Not gonna lie, I'm sick nervous about tomorrow's reunion show. I haven't seen it. I lived it and it was not pretty...

It looks like we're in for a good night! Four more hours!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kim Zolciak Getting Married!

Real Housewife of Atlanta Kim Zolciak took to her Twitter yesterday to announce that she was engaged to her boyfriend and baby daddy, Atlanta Falcon Kroy Biermann. Life and Style also did an exclusive story on the engagement.

Kim and Kroy met at a charity event in Atlanta in June of 2010 and immediately began dating. The couple announced that Kim was pregnant that fall and gave birth to a baby boy, Kroy Jagger Biermann, in May of 2011. It is evident from Kim's Twitter page that the two are madly in love. Kim rants about how good Kroy is with the kids, especially her two older girls. Kim has two children, Brielle and Arianna, from a previous marriage.

This announcement comes amidst rumors of Kim getting her own spinoff show on Bravo separate from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Within 24 hours, pictures of her wedding invitation leaked online (see below). The invitation informed guests that they would not be allowed to bring cell phones or cameras to the event, and that they would have to sign a release form because their wedding would be taped by Bravo. Security will also be very tight. Is Kim Zolciak channeling Kim Kardashian?

The two plan to marry within the next month! Their wedding date is set for November 11th (11/11/11). Looks like Kim won't need anything from Big Poppa anymore! Where's that ring at, Kim? Best of luck to the couple and we can't wait to see the wedding craziness!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I attended a Real Housewives of New Jersey event this past Friday in New York! Teresa is coming out with a Fabellini drink, a premixed Bellini that is all natural. For those of you who don't know what a Bellini is, it's Prosecco or any Italian sparkling wine mixed with peach and raspberry flavor or, sometimes, puree.

The event was amazing. Free food. Free wine. The Fabellini was really good. It comes in two seperate flavors - peach and raspberry. I liked the raspberry better but the peach was good also! I'm so happy for Teresa that she has so much success coming for her.

I felt so special at the event. The Bravo cameras were there. Teresa sat at my table and was SO nice! She also filmed a scene literally five feet from me. I was dancing with Teresa while the Bravo cameras were running. Is it possible that I could appear on Season 4? OMG...

I also got to meet a couple of Bravolebrities! First off, Antonia Gorga and Filomena Giudice (Teresa and Joe's mothers). They were so cute! I spoke with them for a few minutes in Italian and they were really sweet. True Italian women! Next, Joe Giudice. He is so short! But he was really nice and you could tell he was playing on the "cheating" rumors - he was dancing with all of the girls there and kept yelling Teresa's name! haha! I also saw Joe's brother and sister-in-law. There's a rumor out there that they may appear on Season 5. Who knows.

Finally, I got to meet the official love of my life, Dina Manzo (see picture). I have been waiting forever to meet her. Unfortunately, she isn't featured on the show anymore so she doesn't really do any appearances. When I saw her, I flipped out. When I introduced myself and asked to take a picture, she recognized me from Twitter. It was a bit embarrassing, but she told me that she loved me, so I felt a bit better! haha! I also met Dina's assistants Luke McKibben and Danielle Ambrosio. I would give an arm and a leg to work for Dina Manzo's event planning company, Designer Affair. That would be amazing. Who knows? Maybe that will be in the near future :)

Lastly, I wanted to comment on the filming. The show is really staged. Dina and Teresa had a conversation and, from what I could tell, they repeated the same conversation three times for the cameras. There were bodyguards blocking them, so no one could get within 25 feet of them to even hear anything. I was kind of disappointed with Bravo. But, I still love my housewives!

Teresa and Dina were both SO nice. I wish you guys could have seen me - I was really freaking out. It was about an hour away from my house, but it was so worth the drive. So happy I went! I will be buying Fabellini by the case when it comes out in November!

Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale

Oh my God. I just got done watching the RHONJ Finale and I am sick to my stomach.

I was SO happy to see the family reunite and take the family picture. It almost brought tears to my eyes, so cute! I had the pleasure of meeting Teresa's mom and Joe Giudice's mom this past weekend (more to come in a separate blog) and they are so sweet. I asked Teresa's mom about the family and you can tell she is hurting that they are fighting like this. It's so sad to think that after seeing them spend what looks like 7 months trying to fix this family relationship on Season 3, it will all be torn apart again in Season 4. Such is the storyline of reality television.

Caroline, Caroline, Caroline. I don't know what to say about the end of this episode. It was so sad. I can say that in the episode, the way that Lauren was reading the cookbook, she made it out to be offensive. Personally, I own the book and have read it cover-to-cover. Teresa makes it clear that she was joking. I didn't find it offensive towards Caroline or her kids then, and I still don't find it offensive now. Teresa's right - they need to lighten up!

Melissa and Kathy also had their comments about what was written in the cookbook. Melissa took the high road and decided not to mention anything to Joe Gorga about it in an effort to stop drama. Kathy took the same road too. Rich had a somewhat funny joke when he pretended to throw the book in the garbage.

I liked how Melissa and Kathy kind of took the high road with regard to the comments in the book, but NO ONE made an effort to approach Teresa about it except for Jacqueline. It's evident from recent news that Jacqueline's attempt to salvage a friendship with Teresa is over. However, she made an attempt and I applaud her for that.

The reunion next week looks INSANE. Reunions are my favorite thing. EVER. Jacqueline definitely did not attend. We saw Teresa saying "She started something, she should have finished it." TRUE. We also saw Caroline yelling at Teresa as if she were Danielle from last season. Really, Caroline? You hate Teresa that much? What did she do to you besides this nonsense you call bashing in her cookbook?

I honestly think that Caroline is looking for a reason to hate Teresa because she likes Melissa so much. I just don't get it. No one has a sense of loyalty in New Jersey. Everyone is so quick to jump ship.

The reunion looks amazing, but the drama makes me sick to my stomach... can't it end? OMG...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Real Housewives Of Orange County News

With the seventh season of the Real Housewives of Orange County currently being filmed, rumors about the cast are pouring out. While it has been confirmed via Twitter that Vicky Gunvalson and Tamra Barney will be returning for another season, no other wives have been confirmed. The cast of Season 6 included Vicki, Tamra, Alexis Bellino, Gretchen Rossi, and Peggy Tanous, and had recurring appearances from Jeana Keough, Lynne Curtin, and Fernanda Rocha.

Today, Peggy Tanous released a statement via her Facebook page saying that she will NOT be returning for another season. Though she received an offer, she decided to decline to focus on spending time with her family and working on other endeavors. Another one season wonder? See the statement below:

Hello Everyone, Many of you have been asking about season 7 and if I am returning. After months of negotiation and soul searching, I have declined their offer to return to the show. I just felt in my heart that being around the negative energy of certain cast members, being forced to have "dramatic" confrontations and the time it would take me away from my family was just not a healthy path for me. I loved being a part of the Bravo family and do look forward to any new endeavors this may bring. I already have several opportunities to host upcoming TV shows that will empower woman, as well as my husband and I are about to launch our own wine. Who knows, perhaps if many of you want to continue to follow me and my family's lives, then a new show can be created! One of "real" family fun, natural life drama, holistic living, life lessons and experiences. thank you all so much for your love and support!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

I haven't blogged about Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in a while, and since I love them so much I thought I would blog about this week's episode.

I am really liking this season. I can see Brandi and Dana starting a LOT of drama! Brandi seems like she is really offensive and says whatever comes to her mind. Everyone knows that in Beverly Hills, these ladies do not like being offended at all. Dana is really stuck up and just weird. Why does she brag so much about having $25,000 sunglasses? Like Camille said, those who have money tend not to brag about it (multiple times) like she did.

I like how Brandi pointed out that Taylor is on the "divorce diet." When Taylor said that she was working on her marriage for the sake of her child, you can tell that a divorce is coming. If Taylor doesn't have a personal reason to work on her marriage (intrinsic motivation.. Psychology 101, anyone?) then her efforts are going to be meaningless.

Kim is really trying to work on herself, but she seems so weird. Who spends what seems like an hour talking to her housekeeper about her kids when they were younger? Her housekeeper looked like she could care less. Also, why does she keep forgetting everyone's name in phone conversations? It just seems so weird to me. Maybe she is still an alcoholic or on drugs.

Lisa is being really judgmental towards Taylor. Like Kyle said, Lisa is not being supportive of Taylor in a time of need and she is not being a true friend. Ken needs to learn to keep his mouth shut too! He offends Taylor way too much. I also thought it was really rude of Lisa to let Jiggy drink out of the expensive champagne glasses. Let the leash loose, literally! haha! Lastly, I thought Lisa was perfect for the coverage of the royal wedding, though! She looked like she did a great job.

I love the feud that is brewing between Adrienne's chef and Lisa! He is so funny. I am really growing to like Camille this season, like I mentioned in previous blogs. She is much more level headed and she seems like she is much more pleasant to be around. I think Kyle is trying way too hard to be the Caroline Manzo of the Beverly Hills group. Lisa and Adrienne portray much more of a motherly figure than she does and she just looks stupid when she tries (i.e. with Kim, in her interviews when she talks about Brandi, etc.)

I thought I would finish this blog off with a tweet from Greg Bennett from Real Housewives of New Jersey. He is so funny!

@GreggyBennett: I want to sit on Adrienne's lap behind her giant oak desk and make executive decisions with her. #RHOBH @bravotv pls facilitate this.

RHONJ New Episode

As if the world of RHONJ wasn't confusing enough, the new episode that aired last night gives us even more mixed messages. This episode was all about finally ENDING the drama between the Gorga/Giudice/Wakile families. Joe Giudice and Joe Gorga finally make up, and at the end of the episode Kathy and Teresa finally make up as well. Everything seems great until we see the preview for next week's episode (the finale) and we see more feuds ahead between Teresa and the Manzo/Laurita clan, and Teresa and her sister-in-law (yes, AGAIN).

In this episode, we also saw Melissa perform her song "On Display" for the first time. On the show, it sounded and looked as if the entire thing were lip synched. However, we have heard Melissa sing raw in the studio on the show before, and we know that she can sing. Maybe Bravo edited her voice over the actual audio in an effort to make the clip shorter (instead of airing the whole song). Still, Melissa had the guts to get up there in front of everyone and do her thing - and I applaud her for that.

Teresa finally won my heart back by apologizing to Kathy. She initiated the entire thing. When she made an apology to her brother and sister-in-law, it was sort of forced and it seemed fake. However, when she apologized to Kathy she seemed really genuine and it made me smile. Maybe Teresa isn't really the evil person she has been all season? Drama as of late would prove otherwise...

Speaking of, Jacqueline seems as if she is back to normal and is tweeting like a sane human being once again. She answered some fan questions last night mostly about where she bought her clothes, but she released the information that she WILL be on Season 4 of RHONJ. This sort of dispels rumors that she quit mid-season. Still, it is seeming more and more true that she did not attend the reunion for Season 3. Melissa Gorga and Kathy Wakile's makeup artist tweeted that he missed Jacqueline the other day at the reunion. Woops, maybe he didn't want that one to slip out? Still, it is evident that Teresa and Jacqueline are in a feud, though Teresa is rising above the drama and staying away from Twitter for the most part.

This episode was really great, but next week looks even better. The Real Housewives finales always stir up all of this drama, then leave us hanging. The RHONJ Season 3 finale seems like it will be very important for all of us to watch. On Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Caroline Manzo hinted that the finale will show the future of her relationship with Teresa. If so, the finale and reunion episodes promise to be great ones!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

RHONJ Drama Update - Once Again

As always, theres more drama in New Jersey. Last night, Melissa posted a blog on her website. Don't waste your time reading it! I can sum it up in three sentences:

I was not a stripper and New Jersey State Law does not allow stripping in a place where alcohol is served. I was a bartender who wore a sexy outfit. I only worked there for a few weeks until I met Joe. I cannot confirm any more because we are currently filming season 4.

Just this morning, Jacqueline went on yet ANOTHER tweeting rampage and started tweeting pictures of her text message conversation with Teresa. WOW. Though she only included what Jacqueline had typed to Teresa, that is still VERY low, especially for someone who is preaching "positivity" and "rising above the drama." You can read a slideshow of the images here...!/JacLaurita/media/slideshow?

Jacqueline wanted to clear up the rumor out there that Jacqueline was the one that had released the pictures of Joe Giudice out with another girl to the press. Just to be clear, Teresa never said that Jacqueline was the one that had released the pictures, though it was referenced in Huffington Post's story about the NJ drama. She also tweeted an image of what seems like an email, saying that Teresa knew about the "stripping" rumor long before the Posche Fashion Show was taped. Teresa allegedly told Jacqueline that she wanted to "out her" then. Jacqueline even went on to say that Teresa has done things to her personally. See image below:

Jacqueline also tweeted this:

Teresa put out an article that I text her and threatened to release those pictures and I didn’t! I wanted to prove that. Teresa is scum! What until u hear the rest.There is much more but I’m letting it all unravel little by little all on it’s own.No more talk about it! Ok,so I’m losing it.This is what all this negativity I’m surrounded w/does 2me.I’m taking deepbreaths&gettingcontrolofmyself

JACQUELINE, YOU ARE LOSING IT! Why are you going on these tweeting sprees, then trying to preach positivity. Are you Danielle Staub now? This is just getting WEIRD.

There have also been stories out there from the managers of the bar that Melissa worked at (as a bartender) confirming that Melissa was never a stripper. Enough already, we know you weren't a stripper. Tell us what happened at the fashion show!

Bravo has released a statement about the drama. They said that they had put out a call to all the Housewives saying that they MUST attend the Posche Fashion show as it was going to be the finale for season 4. They also said this:

A Bravo spokesperson strictly denies that producers had any involvement with orchestrating the encounter: “Bravo was not involved in any set up. Ours cameras document the lives of these ladies."

I personally think it is so sad to see what is going down in NJ. I like to see that Caroline and Kathy are rising above the drama and staying OUT. Shows that they are the mature ones of the group. Teresa also isn't really getting involved in the Twitter feud. She announced the release of her THIRD cookbook yesterday. It's called "Fabulicious - Fast and Fit" and its due out in Spring 2012. I think Teresa is really trying to focus on making money outside of the Housewives a la Bethenny Frankel. However, the stories that are surfacing are pointing more and more towards her starting this drama, which makes me sad. Still, most of the stories are coming from Team Gorga/Laurita in this feud, so you never know. Melissa is mainly trying to deal with the stripper rumors and her husband is dealing with the bashing Teresa via Twitter. Like I said, I'm really shocked to see Jacqueline going on these tweeting sprees. Fame does wonders to people.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Update - RHONJ Drama

"Naughty Nice Rob", a famous celebrity blogger who was the first to break very popular celebrity news stories in the past, has just published a story about the RHONJ drama that has been going on.

The story says that Bravo allegedly was the one who set Melissa up at the Posche Fashion Show. When Melissa allefedly refused to speak to the "male stripper" that had showed up at the show, Bravo producers allegedly had Teresa talk to the man himself. But when Teresa allegedly caught onto what the man was trying to do, she allegedly stopped him and told him not to talk about her family and allegedly went right to Melissa to try and warn her. Melissa allegedly was very distraught by this and allegedly went right to Caroline and Jacqueline, saying that Teresa was the one who set her up. Jacqueline and Caroline allegedly believed her right away and were angered by Teresa's alleged actions, which would explain Jacqueline's tweets and the apparent feud that is going on between Jacqueline and Teresa.

Further, this story says that when Teresa allegedly called Jacqueline to explain what went on at the Posche Fashion show, Jacqueline allegedly hung up on her and threatened to leak photos of Joe Giudice with another girl out to dinner to the press.

This story seems SO much more believable. It's definitely plausible that Bravo set Melissa up and isn't willing to admit it. The story references the set up with Danielle Staub and her "set up" in the past - Bravo started it, but never took the blame for it because they wanted ratings.

Though Melissa retweeted this and said that it was "so not true", I think she is referring to the part about the "stripper past" and the part where she lied to Caroline and Jacqueline, saying that Teresa was the one who set her up. This story explains a lot more of the tweets that have been going on.

FINALLY, a story that makes sense, and isn't too one-sided. Nicely done, Rob!

Link to the story:

PS: Kim G tweeted this today:

Glad to be spending quality normal time with Jacqueline... She finally sees the light!

Say it isn't so, Jacqueline!

Kelly Killoren Bensimon

These pictures were almost too funny not to blog about. Kelly Killoren Bensimon. The woman who became famous for telling Bethenny Frankel that she was Al Sharpton on Scary island. The woman who eats jellybeans and tweets crazy things that make no sense. Also, the woman who blocked me on Twitter, but that's beside the point. Finally, the woman who justified a nervous breakdown as a nervous "breakthrough." The woman who creates Twitter hashtags about herself. For example, if she were tweeting this right now, she would use the hashtag "#kkbblog". She's insane. If you didn't know who she was before reading this, do you have any idea of how crazy she is now?

Anyway, these are some pictures of her this morning volunteering as a crossing guard at her kids' school. That's great that she's volunteering and giving back to the community, but again, these pictures were too great and had to be shared.

Looking good, Kel. Whats the umbrella for?

Still trapped on Scary Island?

"You tell the kids when it is safe to cross the street. You don't tell the kids to cross when there are cars coming. When you see the walk sign, then it is safe for them to cross." "When do I use this umbrella?"

Ladies and gentlemen, the wonderful antics of Kelly Killoren Bensimon.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Update - RHONJ Drama

Lots of updates! A LOT has gone down in the past 17 hours since I last blogged. It is evident that a feud is present between Jacqueline and Teresa. Teresa tweeted this blurb this morning:

Long weekend with my girls. They have the next 2 days off school! Going to cuddle them all day. #nothingbetterthanmybabies xx. It's Kathy & Rich Wakile's 20th anniversary today. Wish them lots of love! xx.

Ashlee Holmes, Jacqueline's daughter, has also been on a bit of a tweeting spree, evidently against Teresa. Looks like despite Ashlee finally growing up and moving on her own in California, she still has A LOT of growing up to do. Some people never learn! A little view of her timeline:

some people are sooooo sad with their own lives that they feel the need to cause drama in other peoples lives to make themselves feel better. UGH..i'm sorry..i'm done now..some people just make me so angry..i don't put up with fake people &their petty bullshit... #whatgoesaround

She also tweeted this, but later deleted it (There are people watching your every move honey!):

oh & if i were Teresa..i wouldn't be bashing any "strippers" considering when her husband goes to jail she'll probably have to become one lol

We have a little more of an idea of what is going on. Avid Housewives blogger LynnNChicago (of the famous I Hate Jill Zarin Blog) published a story spilling all the details about the drama that allegedly went down at the Posche Fashion show earlier this week. Though Lynn is a good blogger and her stories are often helpful, she is also known to be a vowed Teresa hater and is 100% Team Melissa. Melissa has done an interview with her in the past, and Lynn will not release the names of her sources for this particular article. PERSONALLY, I believe that Lynn's source for her article was Melissa Gorga herself. The story seems way too pro-Melissa. PERSONALLY, I would find the story more believable if it was neutral towards both Teams Gorga and Guidice.

Anyway, Lynn's blog posted on Rumorfix:

Basically, she says that Teresa and Kim D (Posche owner) hired a male stripper to attend the Fashion Show and confront Melissa and reveal to everyone that Melissa was a stripper in the past. She also says that Teresa and Melissa got into it in the bathroom when Teresa allegedly pretended to be concerned about the information this male stripper was leaking. Melissa allegedly saw right through Teresa's "lies" and the two allegedly got into a heated argument. Teresa also allegedly told Melissa that Danielle Staub was on her way to the Fashion Show to confront Melissa. (Um.. what?) Melissa then allegedly called her husband and Teresa allegedly freaked out. The story escalates from there, saying that Joe Gorga arrived, was flippant with Kim D, got into an argument with Teresa, and now they are back to square one with their fighting business (all allegedly). CONTINUED... Lynn's story also "confirms" that Jacqueline skipped out on the reunion of Season 3, which was filmed on Wednesday.

Personally, I have a few problems with this story. Again, Lynn, I respect you and your blog totally but I just think it is way too transparent that your blog is coming right from Melissa's mouth. The whole stripper thing seems SO stupid and untrue. Teresa isn't the smartest person in the world, but she's not that dumb. Melissa has been with Joe Gorga for a long time now.. Since she was 22 I believe.. When exactly did she have time to be a stripper? Second, why would Teresa say that Danielle Staub is on the way? That is the stupidest idea ever. Everyone knows that Teresa hates Danielle and Danielle hates Teresa. Kim D is cordial with Danielle, but Danielle has made it perfectly clear that she would NOT be attending, or going anywhere near, the Posche Fashion Show this year. Bad call. Also, on a more personal note, I interact with Kim D on Facebook and know that she would not do anything to incite drama on the night of her Fashion Show. It's her business, c'mon! Kim is a classy lady and I don't believe that she would stoop that low. I don't even believe that Teresa would stoop that low. It all doesn't seem to be put together for me. It makes sense for me to think that BRAVO hired this person. WHO KNOWS? No one.

Lastly, I'm not sure how you can confirm that Jacqueline was not at the reunion without talking to a cast member or Bravo employee. Since Bravo employees wouldn't leak this info because it would cost them their job, this information further supports my belief that your source is Melissa Gorga herself. Plus, that would be a HUGE deal if Jacqueline decided to skip out on the reunion. Isn't it in her contract or something? Wow.

Like I said, this is JUST my opinion and I do not have any confirmed sources, but I am just using common sense here. Lynn's story is great, but it just seems like it came straight from Melissa's mouth. Let's be honest, this season neither Teresa nor Melissa have been angels. They've both done things to each other. This whole thing is just so weird to me.

After this story leaked, Teresa tweeted the following:

You know Bravo loves it when bloggers make up crazy stories to get people excited about the show. Aren't we exciting enough w/o the lies? Remember when I was supposedly punched in the face? Now supposedly Jacq slapped me. And I hired a male stripper to expose Melissa... LMAO. Sorry, it's NOT true. But you'll all have to turn in to Season 4 of RHONJ to see what really happens (the truth is actually way scarier...)

Lynn then tweeted back:

thanks for reading and confirming! :) Sorry, not "made up" Source confirmed it all Tre, Never said Jac slapped you so you're confirming the rest is true, right?

Melissa also tweeted at Lynn, saying:

Thank you.

Again, SORRY, but all sources point to Melissa being your source, Lynn. It just doesn't add up for me. Why would you press Teresa to confirm your story if it is supposedly "confirmed" already? And refusing to give up the names of your sources "like a true professional" just further support my point. I dunno....

Jacqueline, Caroline, and Kathy have basically been MIA from Twitter over the past couple hours regarding this subject. It seems to me as if the other four cast members (Jacqueline, Caroline, Kathy, Melissa) have joined forces and are now against Teresa. Uhoh.

It is Kathy and Rich Wakile's 20th Anniversary today, though! Happy Anniversary! (I LOVE Kathy btw) Teresa sent out a generic tweet wishing them a Happy Anniversary and Kathy replied:

Oh HEY THANX !!! @Teresa_Giudice BTW...these are our twitter names @Kathywakile & @richardwakile Can U believe that it's been 20 years !!!

Sounds a little sarcastic to me! Ouch.

Kim G has also had something to say on this topic, but then again, I take everything that the Housewives say with a grain of salt. With Kim G, I take a whole container of salt. We all know what kind of person Kim G is..... Anyway, she tweeted this:

I feel sorry for my friend Jacqueline...she told me I was right all along about Teresa and her lies and phony BS!! Proud of u!!

Someone tweeted this to her: @Kimgranatell ok you were on a mission and I missed it all?..sounds like your neighbor JL is now where you were a year ago!

To which she replied: @MTCPhotography I agree. Her and I had lengthy conversations about getting set up all the time!! She had enough too...just like I did!

I dunno what that's about. You were never really a part of the cast, Kim G.. You stuck your nose in everyone's business and tried to act like you were attacked. As Teresa and pretty much everyone at the Gorga Christmas Party said, "Get outta here Kim G." Puh-leeze.

She also tweeted this: U go Tom Murro for putting out that photo and story for Radar about Joe Guidice!! Great to have friends in the right places.

Not sure what she is talking about. Radar Online has nothing posted about Joe G. Again, nice try Kim G. Buh bye.

HOWEVER, I have read that the Posche Fashion Show was filmed as the finale for Season 4 of RHONJ. If that is the case, then we can expect to see this within a year or so. Guess we will just have to wait to find out the TRUTH! Well, even then we'll get the Bravo-edited truth. Hopefully my blog will still be around by then.

By the way, I got an AMAZING number of viewers in the past 24 hours.. THANK YOU EVERYONE.. Can everyone do me a favor and tweet a link to my blog and encourage your followers to read it? the link is THANKS!

Also, follow me on Twitter! @tylmills

PS: I'd like to make an addition to yesterday's blog. A fellow blogger, I forget who (sorry!), mentioned that Jacqueline's tweets could be referring to what happened at the Fashion Show (about someone getting set up) and Joe Gorga's tweets (about blood being thicker than water) could be about what was going on at the reunion. I find this believable, too.. but then again.. we can never know the full story. As I always like to say, there are three sides to every story - One person's side, the other person's side, and the truth. PEACE

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The annual Posche fashion show NEVER fails to disappoint. Just like every other year, this year's was allegedly filled with drama. Of course, no one can officially say anything because the 'wives are in the middle of taping Season 4. Of course, info leaks and rumors are started. Here's a compilation of all of the drama from the past 48 hours and my take on it....

The Posche fashion show was set to take place last night at Son Cubano Restaurant in Edgewater, NJ. It was confirmed that Teresa would be there and it was confirmed that Melissa would NOT be there. Turns out Melissa really was there. She tweeted this picture of Jacqueline..

Look at @JacLaurita right now....

The drama then continued when Jacqueline got home and posted a series of tweets.. See below (tweets are in order from oldest to newest):

I feel nauseous and feverish. No reunion for me.Sorry guys.XOXO!

Someone( not me) got set up tonight. There are some sneaky people trying to make someone look bad & then play innocent on camera. Sad.

2b honest.I'm tired of the BS &shitty low life people.I didn't know this was what I signed up 4.I have 2rise above&move on.

This leaves us with a couple of questions: Who set up who? Is it someone from the cast? ("play innocent on camera") or a wannabe like Kim G? Did Jacqueline quit the cast mid-season 4 a la Dina Manzo? Did she not go to the reunion? Is that even allowed by Bravo?? Uhoh.

Then, the next morning, a series of tweets ensued from both Jacqueline and Joe Gorga. Joe Gorga's tweet was followed by a bunch of other retweets bashing his sister. He also got into a fight with a fellow blogger (shout out to @AllAboutTRHONJ) menacing her to admit that she is hired by Teresa. (For the record, she isn't).

@JacLaurita: I can't be part of the Charade anymore.It's unsettling. It's disturbing & against what I stand for. I'm a REAL housewife

@joegorga: I thought the saying was blood is thicker than water. #BULLSHIT

Joe also tweeted @ Melissa's sisters calling them "the best sisters ever."

The Manzo boys and Greg then got into a series of replies with Joe giving him encouragement and offering up "group hugs". Aw. Who cares? Just tell us the drama!!

Then, this story leaked to the press saying that a fight ensued between my beloved Teresa and the evil Monica Chacon in the bathroom at the Posche Fashion Show. This was confirmed by guests at the show (Tickets were available at the very high price of $135 to the general public and were sold out back in July). The story cites that the set up was inviting Monica Chacon to the party to get in a fight with Teresa. I believe that and it explain's Jacqueline's tweets (kind of), but it doesn't explain Joe Gorga's tweets at all. Here's a link to the story:

Here's another twist: the reunion for Season 3 was filmed today. Yes, while they were taping Season 4. Yes, the morning after the Posche fashion show when all of this drama ensued and the 'wives were probably all hungover. No bueno.

Another twist to the story: A rumor was started that Melissa Gorga was a stripper in her twenties. Excuse me while I laugh. HAHAHAHA. I always got that vibe from her, but didn't really believe it because she met Joe at such a young age. However, Melissa put the rumors to rest and tweeted this:

Fact: I was never a stripper... But have nothing against them.

Aww man. That would've made for a great story line. I can just imagine Teresa now: "A STRIPPER?!? AND THE MOTHER OF MY NIECE AND NEPHEWS?!?! YOU F*@#NG WHORE!!"

Anyway, finally we get some tweets from Teresa on her way home from the reunion taping. Teresa isn't one to tweet all day long, she tweets in spurts which is kind of annoying. Here's her series of tweets, jumbled together into one long paragraph:

On my way home... Loooong day. Wow has Twitter gone crazy. Wow have some people gone crazy... #sadforthem. I don’t even wanna go there b/c I don't fight on twitter not w/ fans, not haters, not w/ mean RTs & def not w/ a friend (ahem) or my family! But the rumors are getting ridiculous. Let’s get this straight: I LOVE my WHOLE family. Would never do anything to hurt them. xx. THIS is exactly why I didn't want my family on the show--people come out of nowhere to try & hurt you. I don’t want my family hurt. Ever. Breaks my heart that anyone would believe I would be part of something to hurt my family. Fame can mess with your mind. Family is forever.xx. And for the record: I don’t believe MG was a stripper but I wouldn’t care anyway. (I have lots of ex-stripper friends... ahem...). She’s the mother of my niece & nephews & part of my family. You’ll see how I defend her in S4. xx #lovemybrother #lovemyfamily

Despite the ridiculous amount of "xx"s she put in that series of tweets, this was actually really big of her to tweet this. It doesn't really give us info, but it shows us what kind of person Teresa is. The "(ahem)" part after friend in the beginning makes me question if something went down with her and Jacqueline. It further confirms that we will see more of this drama unfold in Season 4.. Which could be a long wait.

For the record, no tweets have come in from Kathy Wakile and the only tweet from Caroline Manzo was one totally unrelated. Caroline really isn't one to feed into the rumor mill or the drama at all.

THIS JUST IN... A tweet from Jacqueline...

I love the blame shifting when someone is caught in lies. Unbelievable. There is no real love there. Things aren't always what they seem. SOME people live a different life OFF camera then they do on. ( ahem) You'll all see through the bullshit if you look closely enough. I think you all are pretty smart

OOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGG. This further suggests a feud between her and Teresa. I'm dying to know and I'm determined to find out... WHAT IS GOING ON!!!! Thanks for reading. I'll keep you updated.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Real Housewives of Atlanta are back!

I am so excited that the Real Housewives of Atlanta is coming back on the air! I absolutely love all of the Housewife shows, and each of them for their own special reason. For example, I love the Beverly Hills Housewives because of how much money they have. I love the Atlanta Housewives because of how "ghetto fabulous" they are. I'm not at all racist, but this is the only housewife show with African Americans and you can tell the 'difference'. But I love it just the same. I just started watching the Atlanta wives this past season so I don't really know much, but like any other fan I have my opinions on the wives.

Kim is hysterical. I love the faces that she makes and her antics. I also love her relationship with Sweetie. I think that she plays into the whole joke that Sweetie is her "slave". I can see a good relationship between her and Sweetie and I don't think she takes advantage of Sweetie at all. I think she makes light of the fact that people make jokes about it. I think the whole "Big Poppa" thing is totally gross, as is the fact that she now has three kids from three different fathers. But, hey, she makes a good life for herself and she loves it, right?

Nene is pretty funny too. I think that the conflict between her and Kim is simply because they are both so similar. Nene's faces and antics are hysterical just like Kim. I feel bad for her and the divorce that she is going through with Gregg and the trouble that she goes through with her son. I LOVE when Nene gets mad. She is hysterical. The fight on the bus between Nene and Kim is one of my favorite scenes in Housewife history. I also love the fight between Nene and Dwight. She is too funny!

I don't really have an opinion on Cynthia, Kandi, or Sheree. They weren't featured too largely last season. I do agree with Kim and think that Cynthia and Peter's marriage will not last at all. I think Sheree is one of the more sophisticated wives of this series. But, she doesn't let that sophistication hide her anger! Her fight with her party planner was also one of my favorite moments in housewife history... "And who gon' check me boo?" I think Kandi is also one of the more sophisticated, but she is definitely all business. She's a great singer and I love her music, but she doesn't really feed into the drama. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's a bad thing... Every fan loves some housewives drama, right?

Phaedra is one of the funniest Housewives on this series. She truly is a Southern belle like she states. I love the Phaedra-isms... the sip and see, "everybody knows", the funeral home, the due date drama.. What else? The things that come out of her mouth are too funny.

I've posted the preview that was on for season 4.. November 6th at 10pm.. I can't wait! It's almost a bittersweet premiere - it marks the end of my favorites, the Real Housewives of New Jersey, but the start of an equally great series!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teen Mom

I don't normally blog about Teen Mom and I haven't really been keeping up with it like I do with my other shows, but I thought that I'd do a short blog just to express my opinions on this show.

The only person that I really like on this show is Maci. I think that she is the best mom on both Teen Mom shows. She truly understands what it's like to be a mother. She has balanced work, school, and parenting and still has time for a relationship. Unlike other teen moms on the show, she doesn't let her relationship affect her parenting skills or any other aspect of her life. She knows what she's doing and she is independent of her parents entirely, but still has them in her life. Not to mention Bentley is the cutest kid!!

Farrah is a spoiled brat. You can tell that she came from money because unlike any of the other moms, she has no concern about money or work. Her relationship with her mom is extremely weird. If she argues with her mom so much, I don't understand why she rents a house directly across the street from her. And her mom is ALWAYS there! It's insane. Farrah is a good mom, but I just don't think she has her head on right. Moving to Florida may be a good thing for Farrah to do, but it's not a good thing for her as a parent nor is it a good thing for her child. She can't take Sophia so far away from her only family. Also, she is going to have to start working to pay rent and pay for child care now that she will be so far away from her mom. I know she went through with the move, so maybe we will see more in a Teen Mom Season 3?

Amber is completely insane. Her and Gary's relationship reminds me of Ronnie and Sam from Jersey Shore. They're always getting back together and they're always fighting! Amber really isn't a good mom and Gary really isn't a good dad. I feel bad for Leah that she has to live through all of that craziness. Amber doesn't have her head on straight at all. Living for her is so cheap (her rent for her house is less than $700 a month!), yet she doesn't own a car to take herself to court dates or to drop her daughter off at her father's house. I understand that these girls get paid A LOT of money to be on this show, but they definitely don't show it.

Last, but certainly not least, is Catelynn. I don't even see her and Tyler as teen parents. I don't really even understand why they're on the show. To be honest, when I'm watching this show on DVR, I normally skip over their parts. To me, they are so much more immature than the other parents and they come off as so much younger than they really are. They have some serious growing up to do. They should probably get rid of their baby faces while they're at it! haha!

I like Teen Mom 2 a lot better. I LOVE the drama that goes on legitimately every single week with Janelle, Kieffa, and Barb. I don't really care for Kailynn but she has her fair share of drama too. I love Chelsea and Aubree, even though Chelsea is a spoiled brat like Farrah. I like Leah too and I feel so bad for her with what she's going through with her daughter's medical problems. Hopefully that will come back on the air soon!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

I'm watching this episode with my bff's Gio Ronnie and Bridget. This whole experience solidifies my obsession with reality tv - I'm demanding that they be quiet, sit in a certain position, and only talk and move during commercials. I really am obsessed. Maybe I should go to rehab.

Taylor is drunk out of her mind! Lisa always says it like it is; there is no beating around the bush with her. I like to see Kim as the voice of reason as well! Finally, like Kyle said, someone is looking to Kim for advice. I think its good for Kim's self esteem as well. Is Taylor really hiding out in the closet in Kyle's suitcase? WOW! I didn't think that anyone could take the cake over Kim for level of intoxication, but here we are.. Season 2 Episode 3 and Taylor takes it! I think it was a mixture of the alcohol and Taylor's life problems. There were a lot of rumors in the tabloids about Taylor getting drunk a lot over the course of her relationship struggles with Russell, so now I kind of see some truth in the stories. I agree with Kyle - this is NOT a normal reaction to someone losing their makeup bag! She is really going insane. I don't know why Taylor is staying with Russell, but then again I ask that of so many relationships (both Hollywood and non-Hollywood). I agree with Kyle - when you're in love with someone, you try your best to make it work, but when someone treats you the way that Russell has treated Taylor, that's an entirely different story.

I love dinner parties in Beverly Hills. They're always so classy - full of nice food, personal chefs, and good wine. I thought the episode with Allyson DuBois was one of the best episodes in Housewives history. I could quote that episode for days (along with many other Housewives episodes). I hate how Adrienne always acts so concerned for other people. She's nice and she's one of my favorites, but the drama never involves her. I can see her getting cut a la Cindy Barshop next season. This dinner party wasn't as exciting as the previews cracked it up to be. All the drama was about Taylor.

I think that the name of the show should be changed to Taylor's Divorce from Russell. Over the past couple episodes, it has been all about Taylor! Finally we are getting a break and switching to some drama with Kim and Adrienne (well, mostly Kim.. Adrienne is playing Mother Goose again). Paul does seem to get too involved in Adrienne's business affairs, but I can see that he is just trying to wear the pants in the relationship. Adrienne doesn't let him at all. But that's their relationship and somehow it works for them. Kim was definitely drunk on the phone. I wonder if she will make it to the airport on time? Till next week...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey

I have been waiting for this episode for so long and it is finally here! There are so many rumors out there about the trip to Punta Cana and I'm excited to finally see it on camera and see what really happened. (FYI - I'm referring to the rumors about the fight on the beach between Kathy and Teresa, and the fight at the bar which results in more legal woes for Joe and Teresa as well as Albie Chris and Greg, I believe.) I'm writing this blog as I watch the show, so these are my immediate thoughts on the show!

Seeing the Jersey crew in a new setting is always so funny. You can tell that they don't belong - it's like watching a fish out of water. You can see that everyone is going on this trip to have fun and has good intentions. However, once you're with the same people for five days, you get sick of them. One wrong breath will set you off sometimes! We'll see how the drama folds out...

I wonder if they all know that they should be saying that they lost "one suitcase" NOT "one luggage." Maybe it's another one of those Jersey-isms. At least its not just Teresa this time! I'm SO GLAD that Teresa finally admitted that she has done things to hurt her brother, sister-in-law, and cousin too. FINALLY it came and I can consider her my favorite again without having any remorse! Teresa is always so funny too. I can't help laughing whatever scene she's in!

The Gorgas have two things on their mind: sex and hats. They're either talking about one or wearing the other! Sometimes their sex talks are nasty. Who wants to hear about that? They never disappoint with the hats either. Winter in Jersey = robbers hat. Summer in Punta Cana = bandanas. Too funny!

Punta Cana looks so gorgeous. If it weren't so expensive, I'd be there for spring break. The sky and sunset is to DIE for!! Teresa definitely wins the competition over the nicest bathing suit. She rocked it with the gold and the heels. Melissa had flip flops and a one piece on! haha!

Aaaand here it is.. the scene that we've all been waiting for! Oh, the suspense.. We see everyone in the same outfits that we saw in the preview, the same seats, everything! Teresa does seem to think that everything is about her. She must have a problem processing things. Kathy means well in the things that she says. Teresa takes things and interprets them and responds accordingly. I don't blame her for the way she responds because it's based on what she interpreted from the conversation. The same thing happened at the Posche fashion show. Teresa misunderstood Kathy. You can see Kathy's frustration when Teresa doesn't understand where she's coming from or what she's trying to say. I'm glad that Joe Giudice decided to be the bigger person this time and put an end to the drama. I think what Greg said about Joe and Teresa using "third grade words" was very rude and uncalled for. Greg always says that he isn't on anyone's team, but he definitely doesn't act that way. He is in NO position to be saying things about people like that. You also have to wonder how much everyone had to drink before this show. Greg Bennett tweeted "Omg we're all so drunk." So, you can't really take what everyone is saying very seriously. Then again, drunken words are sober thoughts...

We see the preview of next week. It's a semi cliffhanger and of course we can't see what exactly is going on. Hopefully the online previews will be a bit clearer. Melissa looks like a crazy person when she is performing. Can't wait for that! Watch out for pictures from Fashion Night Out! I'm waiting to get my Macbook back to post them - this PC is too slow! Until then...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jersey Shore

I really missed watching Jersey Shore! Tonight I watched both this week and last weeks episode, so I thought I would blog about both of them. I still have pictures coming from Fashion Night Out when I met Ramona, Kelly and Luann from Real Housewives of New York City, so watch out for those too!

I am SO over the Ronnie and Sam drama. I've lost count of how many fights they've had or caused. Why does Ronnie give her roses without saying anything to Sam? Then he gets mad when she wonders if the roses are for her? Those two are crazy. Then he goes up to her and tells her he loves her, no matter what. Did he love her when he was cheating on her, looking for another girl to take home, paying for another girl to come to Italy, or arguing with her? I don't know why Sam keeps going back to him and keeps trusting him. He's "done her dirty" so many times that she should be used to it! We've seen so many Ron and Sam apology scenes that I don't even feel the need to comment on this one.

Looking at Mike with his neckbrace on just makes me laugh. The fight was so anticlimatic. Mike essentially threw himself into the wall. Ronnie did nothing. I don't really like Mike - he causes too much drama. When Snooki gave him the chance to apologize, he still ruined it by trying to cause drama. He is so pathetic!

Snooki always makes me laugh. It was so funny when she walked past the church and flipped out because the priest asked her to cover up. You can tell that she really likes Jionni, but he is really mean to her! He can't try and change her or expect her to be someone different just because he doesn't like it. I felt so bad for her when Jionni was yelling at her over the phone and she was telling him how much he loves and misses her. If I were her, I'd either tell him that she's not changing or kick him to the curb. She must really love him though because she is so quick to defend him even after he treats her like that. Things must really have turned around for them, or at least I hope so. I know that they are still together today.

Pauly and Vinny dressing up and dancing like guidos was hysterical. I've never seen anyone like that, but maybe it's popular down at the Jersey Shore? Who knows! Apparently they were dressed like every girl that Jenni has ever dated. I also loved how close Deena and Snooki were when they were fighting that girl in the club. Snooki didn't even know what happened but she went right to fight the girl. They have a tight bond! Deena was so funny when she kicked out the boy that she called over to hook up with! It was a little weird that he had a "bite" on his neck, but I didnt think she was going to kick him out! haha!

I absolutely love when Snooki and Deena get drunk together. They are a hilarious duo. Who cares if they wanted to have a little lesbian action? They were having fun and loved every minute of it. Does anyone else notice that Snooki likes to sleep until like 5PM?! She must party hard! I love when Deena says that she "does sex." Example: "Usually when I do sex, I remember that I did sex... I dont know..." She makes no sense when she talks and I love it! Lastly, the car accident. The moment that I have been waiting for all season. I have to say it wasn't all that it cracked up to be. It was really funny, but when I saw Snooki crying I felt bad! Of course they left us on a cliffhanger, so more to come next week....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey!

After a two week wait, my favorite show is finally back... Real Housewives of New Jersey!

Background on this show  I love everyone on this show in their own seperate way, but when it comes down to it I am totally Team Teresa. I love Jacqueline, she truly is her own person and she doesn't judge anyone. Same with Caroline, but she also has that motherly figure that is sort of her signature in the group. Teresa is so funny - how can you not love her? People might hate her because she says some mean things, but she says what's on her mind. There is no fake with Teresa, and she admits that. I like Kathy, and I don't really take sides with her and Teresa's fight. I see both sides in their little tit-for-tat. I can see how Teresa was hurt by Kathy's comments, but I can see Kathy struggling to get the family together. Last but not least, Melissa. Melissa and I have a love-hate relationship. I don't like how fake she is. She says one thing to Teresa's face, and then goes behind her back to her sisters and says another. OH and her sisters are extremely trashy wannabes. Every scene that they are in it is like they are begging for camera time. PLEASE! I like Melissa's fake side, but then I remember that it's her fake side. Does that make sense? I guess I like what I see, but I can see through her. Last but certainly not least, I HATE Kim Granny-tell. HATE HATE HATE. That is all.

This episode is fun. I like how everyone comes together for the race and there is not really any drama. I thought it was hilarious that Joe Giudice brought sausage and wine to the race at 8:00AM. I love the trio of Chris, Albie and Greg. I love how accepting Chris and Albie are. It's not every day that you see two brothers looking for a girlfriend sharing a "bachelor pad" with their gay best friend.

I got the chance to do a step and repeat at Fashion Night Out with my friend Veronica, and I must say it is as fun as Melissa makes it look! haha! I have to say, I like Melissa's song. It's not a song that I would listen to when I'm in a bad mood or a good sing-along song, but it's perfect for a club on a Saturday night when all you want to do is dance. I'm anxious to see what the rest of Melissa's album sounds like. Melissa and Joe are definitely the young ones of the group. Can you imagine Teresa and Joe going out with the Manzo boys and Greg? Nope, neither can I. Joe Gorga, we don't care if your penis is named Tarzan nor do we care if it's groomed. Unnecessary scene, Bravo.

Lauren and Vito are so cute together! I'm so happy that despite Lauren's bad self-image, she can be happy with someone and be together for a couple of years (two and a half seasons of Housewives time). He makes her really happy and supports her no matter what.

Milania is my favorite Housewife kid ever. She's a five year old terror and I love it! She's so funny. Teresa's right, she knows how to get what she wants, but Teresa really has to draw the line sometimes and tell her that she's the boss. Teresa quote of the week: "Princess Milania, at your servant." That quote is up there with "ingredientses" and "cum-in." That is all. I like that she's finally realizing that everything doesn't have to be over the top. Bravo, was it really needed to show that the plates were 99 cents like three times? I see this scene in the show, then at the same time inTouch is printing a story of her vow renewal in which she wore a $25,000 dress. Maybe things have really turned around for her? Lets hope! I loved Milania telling her friends "Don't eat this cake, because you will hurt my feelings!" She is so funny!!

I'm glad that Teresa admits that both her husband and brother are at fault in this situation. I didn't like how Rich makes the comments to Joey Gorga about knocking another one of Joe Giudice's teeth out. He always does that. He's like another Simon van Kempen - a wannabe Housewife starting drama! If you follow both of them on twitter you know what I mean. G to the IA - the songs were cute, but please don't try and pursue singing like Zia Melissa! She can definitely see that her mom and uncle are fighting. I hope this is a wake up call for all of them - Teresa, Joe, Melissa, Joe - that they need to stop the feuds now. Gia has to write a song about her worrying about them fighting while she is at school? Pathetic. Nothing that they can say will make her believe that everything is normal. She knows.

I cannot WAIT for the Punta Cana episode. If I were Caroline, I'd be terrified of going on vacation with these people too. A Housewives trip can NEVER be a good thing. But it's good for the viewers!! Drama drama drama!!!!

PS - I love how I can now consider watching Housewives part of my homework. It makes me feel a  bit better about myself than if I were just sitting here watching the show like a pathetic addict. Now, off to start that reading that I have to have done for 7:30AM............